When traveling and going on camping treks or visiting the forest or any such environment, it is necessary to carry the basics  to ensure your trip goes well and that you are not left missing an essential item. There are camping bags with the essentials  that come in the kit but most people make their own kits. One important thing to carry on such travels is water or then a  camping water filter. Water is no longer safe and clean for us to drink directly from the lake or stream, also we have become  accustomed to drinking treated water, and therefore any other type of water can affect our stomachs.

The camping water filter  will remove the bacteria and make sure the water is clear. Foggy water or dirty water too can be cleaned in this way. The  filter is usually the size of a micron or smaller but is very effective in filtering out bacteria that is responsible for a  lot of water borne diseases. This camping water filter can be used even for dirty water or cloudy water. There are different  models available some of them meet EPA standards which can be used for water in really bad conditions. Ideally the filter  should be able to filter about a liter a minute.

This way there is plenty of water to use on the camping trip. The camping  water filter does not cost a lot today and its compact size makes it possible to carry it on trips. It is easy to handle and  manage. The filter should be able to remove not only dirt but also the bacteria and its eggs making the water drinkable. Some  filters may need iodine to be added to it, a carbon filter can be added to take off the bitter aftertaste. Using orange juice  crystals too can remove the bitter aftertaste. The orange juice crystals contain ascorbic acid which oxidizes the iodine and  leaves the water free from the bitter aftertaste.

Katadyn is a famous name for camping supplies and includes water filters  for camping. The craftsmanship is really good. A katadyn product is of very good quality and longer lasting. Its technology  is quite superior compared to the rest. It is a well known name when it comes to camping water filters. Now katadyn too can  be found on online stores on great offers and free delivery. One can choose from different models as per their budgets.  Payment can be made easily through credit card or paypal.